Taking care of yourself

Hospitals, healthcare centres, general and specialist doctors, alternative medicine... Charleroi Métropole has high-quality infrastructures for you to take care of yourself and, of course, to keep in shape!

State-of-the-art hospitals

State-of-the-art hospitals

Charleroi Métropole has a number of hospitals in several locations to ensure access for the whole population. In particular, the Grand hôpital de Charleroi (GHDC), the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU), the Centre de santé des Fagnes (CSF – Chimay), the Jolimont Group, the Hôpital Notre Dame de Grâce, etc.

Statutory social security

In Belgium, health and indemnity insurance is compulsory if you work or live in the region. There are several insurance providers (health insurance, the Caisse Auxiliaire d’Assurance Maladie-Invalidité). As an employee, your employer makes social contributions on your behalf. If you are self-employed, the Belgian National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance INAMI-RIZIV will guide you through the process.

25 euros for an appointment with a doctor

The appointment will cost you, on average, 25 euros if you go to a registered doctor. To find a doctor, consult the conseil national de l’ordre des médecins [Belgian Medical Council].

112, emergency telephone number for the ambulance and fire service

112, emergency telephone number for the ambulance and fire service

In Belgium, 112, a free European telephone number, is to be called in the event of a fire or a medical emergency. 101 enables you to contact the police directly.